Leyland League Logo

Leyland and District
Crown Green Bowling League

Kindly sponsored by NEAL BUCKLEY – Funeral Director

League Rules


Each club is entitled to send a representative from each team of their club (evening and veterans league) registered with the league to this event.
They can be either male or female, but must be aged 65 years or more.

  1. Players MUST be 60 years of age or more to be eligible to compete in the Veterans League.
    Players aged 59 are allowed to register with the Veterans League for the said season, but
    CANNOT play until they attain the age of 60.

  2. Clubs with more than 1 team.
    The higher placed team to star 6 players who will be eligible to play for that team only.
    Clubs with more than 1 team in the same division.
    Each team to star 6 players who will be eligible to play for the respective team only.

  3. Day of play for league matches: Tuesday
    Start time: 1:30pm

  4. 8 players per team.

  5. Games to be 21 up.

  6. A break in the middle of each match for refreshments.

  7. League prizes are as follows:-
    Division Winner: £50 + 2 Presentation Evening tickets.
    Runner Up: £30 + 2 Presentation Evening tickets.

    N.B. Prize money or trophies not collected at the Presentation by a Club Member of said team will be forfeited.

  8. League Table placing will be decided by the order of the following criteria:-

    1. Most points.
    2. Most matches won.
    3. Least matches lost.
    4. Most away matches won.
    5. Least away matches lost.

  9. Divisional Merit Winners will be decided by the order of the following criteria:-

    1. Most games won.
    2. Most away games won.
    3. Aggregate.

    In the event of a tie for League Championship, Promotion, Relegation or Divisional Merit Winner, after applying the criteria, a play-off will decide the placing.
    Play-offs (if needed) will take place on a date determined by the secretariat.

  10. All other rules and regulations as Leyland and District Crown Green Bowling League, League Rules, which are set out below.
  1. Night of play for League matches – Thursday.
    Minimum registration per team = 14.
    No registrations or transfers allowed after 31st May unless approved by the League Executive.

  2. If any team play unregistered players the following will be imposed: -

    1. 1 point awarded to opposing team for each unregistered player.
    2. 3 points will be deducted from team who play unregistered players, for each unregistered player.
    3. Teams playing unregistered players will lose that game 21-0.
      Average for opposing players to be 21-11.

  3. Clubs with more than 1 team: the higher placed team to star 8 players who will be eligible to play for that team only.
    Clubs with more than 1 team in the same division: each team to star 8 players who will be eligible to play for the respective team only.
    All the remaining players of the Club/Teams registered with the League, can play for either teams but
    NOT on the SAME night.

    Unstarred players, registered with higher placed teams, will NOT be allowed to play for lower placed teams, in fixtures:-

    1. Not scheduled in the handbook.
      This means rearranged fixtures, and fixtures cancelled through inclement weather.
      (See Rule 13 about rearranging fixtures).
      In addition, fixtures played at the beginning of the season when lower placed teams have fixtures to play, and higher placed teams have yet to start their fixtures.
    2. When higher placed teams have completed their fixtures.
      This means fixtures played at the end of the season, when lower placed teams still have fixtures to play, and higher placed teams have completed their fixtures.

  4. Players may transfer between Clubs/Teams, providing that the player has not played for the original Club/Team in any competitive match organised by the League.
    In both instances, the League Secretariat must be informed and transfers sanctioned, before the player can play for the new Club/Team.
    The Secretary will report any transfers at the next Delegates meeting.

  5. League prizes are as follows:-

    League Competition:
    Winner: £70 + 2 Presentation Evening tickets.
    Runner Up: £40 + 2 Presentation Evening tickets.

    Cup Knockout:
    Winner: £50 + 2 Presentation Evening tickets.
    Runner Up: £30 + 2 Presentation Evening tickets.
    Losing Semi Finalist: £20

    N.B. Prize money or trophies not collected at the Presentation by a Club member of said team will be forfeited.

  6. League Table placing will be decided by the order of the following criteria:-

    1. Most points.
    2. Most matches won.
    3. Least matches lost.
    4. Most away matches won.
    5. Least away matches lost.

  7. Divisional Merit Winners will be decided by the order of the following criteria:-

    1. Most games won.
    2. Most away games won.
    3. Aggregate.

    In the event of a tie for League Championship, Promotion, Relegation or Divisional Merit Winner, after applying the criteria, a play-off will decide the placing.
    Play-offs (if needed) will take place on a date determined by the secretariat.

  8. Matches to be played according to the British Crown Green Bowling rules.

  9. Teams in all divisions to consist of ten players and all games will be 21 up.

  10. Any card disputes must be settled on the night of the match.
    The individual game in question being replayed, if necessary, from the point where the cards differ.

  11. Visiting teams will have 15 minutes practice before the match commences.
    The visiting Captain may practice for 15 minutes within 30 minutes of the commencement of the match.

  12. Captains will number their teams from 1 to 10 and pair off in that order.
    It is intended that the pairs will play in order starting at 1 and finishing at 10, but certain adjustments are allowed:-
    Pairs 1 to 4 will commence play at the start time.
    Pairs 5, 6 and 7 when called, or within one hour of the start time, whichever is latest.
    Pairs 8, 9 and 10 when called or within 90 minutes of the start time, whichever is latest.
    Reserve players may substitute if any player is unable to commence a game.
    The order of pairs 5 to 10 may be changed if circumstances demand.
    At least four pairs should be in play up to the completion of 4 games.
    A minimum of 3 games should be in play until 8 games have been completed.
    In months March, April, August and September, the start times for games 7, 8, 9 and 10 within the hour for non-floodlit greens.

  13. All matches to be played in accordance with the fixture book, on a home and away basis and by the dates shown.
    Teams may
    mutually rearrange fixtures, providing they be played prior to the original date.
    Any matches not played on the original date through inclement weather,
    must be played within twenty-one days, except for the three fixtures prior to the final one shown in the handbook, which must be played before the final fixture of the season.
    Any fixtures rearranged or cancelled, to be reported to the secretariat in the
    first instance.

  14. The records of any team not fulfilling its fixtures to be expunged from the league table.

  15. The following points are awarded in League Matches:-
    3 points - away win, 2 points - home win and away draw, 1 point - home draw.
    The winner is the team with having the highest aggregate score; in addition, 1 point is awarded for each individual winner.

  16. If a member of a Club loses their membership of that Club, they automatically forfeit their registration with the league.

  17. A Disputes Committee will deal with any matter not covered in these rules.

  18. The Home team Captain should ring the result of the match to
    D. HUGHES (Preston 460324) at any time on Friday (answering machine).

  19. Captains of the Home teams (winning teams in the case of Knockout) are responsible for returning match result cards.
    Cards must be returned within 7 days of completion of game or a fine of £3 will be imposed.

  20. Teams failing to turn up for a match (without good reason, Committee decision); opposing team will receive maximum points, player averages 21-11.
    If Committee passes good reason, match to be played as soon as possible.
    (Three dates to be given by Home team).

  21. Teams without floodlights will commence their home matches at 6:45pm in March, April, August and September, all other matches to start at 7:00pm.

  22. Teams must inform the secretariat in the first instance that they do not wish to participate in any event organised by the League; otherwise, Teams failing to be represented and/or failing to attend an event after qualifying will be fined £10.